Conservation and Education

Florida Friendly plant database

February 19, 2013

Identify the Florida-friendly plants, including Florida native plants, that will work in your yard or landscape design. The data base contains a list of recommended trees, palms, shrubs, flowers, groundcoveres, grasses and vines developed by University of Florida/IFAS horticulture experts. The plants included in the database are available at nurseries throughout Florida. Here is an […]

Conservation and Education

Conserve Water

June 1, 2011

If your address ends with an odd number, water on odd numbered days; Even number, water on even numbered days.  THANK YOU for conserving water.

Conservation and Education, Latest News

How to Find and Repair Simple Leaks

May 1, 2011

In just one year a leaky toilet wastes over 22,000 gallons of water, a leak in a sink of just one drop per second wastes an additional 2,400 gallons per year. Toilet Leaks Some toilet leaks make a running sound, others are silent. To detect a silent leak, put some drops of food coloring into […]

Conservation and Education, Latest News

Water Saving Tips – Outside Your Home

April 1, 2011

Method Approximate Water Savings Water your garden with a deep soak once weekly rather than several shallow times per week 50 gallons per week in Summer Water your yard at night or early in the morning to prevent rapid evaporation during the heat of the day 35 gallons per 1/2 acre per watering Use a […]

Conservation and Education, Latest News

Water Saving Guide – Other Areas of the Home

April 1, 2011

Method Approximate Water Savings Wait to wash clothes until you have a full load Up to 30 gallons of water per load not washed Purchase new washing machine with water-saving features 10-20 gallons per load Insulate hot water pipes to avoid running water while waiting for it to get hot Up to 8 gallons per […]

Conservation and Education, Latest News

Water Saving Guide – Kitchen

April 1, 2011

Method Approximate Water Savings When handwashing, wash from a filled basin, not with running water 25 gallons per load Run dishwasher only when full, once per day or less 10-12 gallons for each cycle not run Run dishwasher on short cycle 3-4 gallons per cycle Install a low flow faucet 2.5 gallons per minute Use […]

Conservation and Education, Latest News

Water Saving Guide – Bathroom

April 1, 2011

Method Approximate Water Savings Take a 5 minute shower instead of a bath 15 gallons Install a low-flow shower head to reduce water use by 50% 3 gallons per minute per shower Bathe in a tub filled less than 1/2 with water 10-15 gallons per bath Install 1.6 gallon toilet 4 gallons per flush For […]

Conservation and Education, Latest News

50 Ways to Be Water Smart

July 30, 2010

In Your Home Never pour water down the drain when there may be another use for it. Use it to water your indoor plants or garden. Make sure your home is leak-free. Check your water meter when you are certain that no water is being used. If the meter reading changes, you have a leak! […]

Conservation and Education, Latest News

Community Notifications

Alert Okaloosa Emergency Alerting System Get alerted about emergencies and other important Okaloosa County events by signing up for our...

Rescission Notice

DATE: 03/04/25 RESCISSION OF PRECAUTIONARY BOIL WATER NOTICE To:  Residents of Auburn Water System, Inc living in the area...

Boil Water Notice

“NO PRECAUTIONARY BOIL WATER NOTICES AT THIS TIME”  Precautionary Boil Water Notice What Should I do